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everything you need to know
about us and the show

First and foremost, the nature of the content is inspired from Tim Burton’s movie “Big Fish”, it’s his only vividly colourful movie, about a person whom no one knows where the myth ends and man begins regarding him.


We are a small group of old friends between the ages of 40 and 60. The Gay Ali Baba Show is a passion project of ours, merely, for fun and entertainment (even when we talk about serious polemic issues), and we do this by pushing the boundaries, poking fun of everything and everyone (including ourselves), and looking at things from both ends (pun intended, wink wink), therefore, feel free to enjoy it (or not) but never take anything we say on the show seriously or personally.


The name "Gay Ali Baba" is just the project's brand name besides making it one of the characters names that is created for the show, furthermore, the content of the show is topical, not personal, ergo, all the characters created for the show (aka Gay Ali Baba, Felix Fanny, Abdullah The Annihilator) are solely fictional personas and an act which topics and stories are presented through, they are not a real/true reflection/representation of the show’s host.


Our content is diverse (yes, we are all aware of how much everyone has come to abhor that word), be that as it may, we do not consider it “woke" in nature!


We talk about politics, religion, arts, sex, love & relationships, psychology, self development, food and nutrition, music and movies and TV shows, and whatever else that we are interested in, but, it is important to point out that we neither represent the LGBTQIAvnhphadsjgcgxzxzxzzzxxz++++++ community in any shape or form, nor speak on their behalf.​


We have been creating arabic online content since 2019, however, we decided transitioning into english content in 2024 (which makes us "Trans-Content" lol) because we realised that the arab muslim nation is a lost cause that is not worth our effort, we also realised that the western civilisation needs more soldiers and voices to spread awareness against the cancerous islamic influence, especially, since we are all ex-muslims who grew up in the middle east before moving to the west years ago, we know that we are more equipped in delivering this awareness.


At last, but not least, this is OUR passion project, which means, we are here to do what WE like and want, NOT what you like and want, we neither care about your opinion nor your suggestions, we’re just here to have fun however we like it.

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